

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 9 months ago

How to information will be posted here. Handouts and information sheets also.

Directions for printing a class demographic list from SASI


1. Double click on any student on the grid- an information panel will pop up

2. Go to the title menu bar and choose Student

(the drop down list will show the reports that you can print)

3. Choose student directory

4. go to the pull down menu at the left side of your panel, choose by name with full address

5. Click inside the preview box

6. Choose print. You will need to choose the landscape orientation to print the report correctly

7. If you choose to print the birthday report it just does it by month as a separate report for each month.




LMS USER ID = Last name first initial


If you have a last name first initial that is the same as another Pinellas Schools employee, yo must add another letter to your first name, until the system recognizes you. IDs are based on an alphabetical system.

example: Susan Smith may be: Smiths or Smithsu or Smithsus

Use the 'refresh' button at the top of your browser between tries to clear the line.


PASSWORD: First 4 letters of your last name with last 4 numbers of SS#


If you have a last name with only 2 or 3 letters, you must add spaces to make an 8 character password.

example: Jane Doe = Doe•####


When you log on, add YOUR EMAIL IN THE LMS Online Registration System

Attached above "My Email" directions to update your email address, the LMS System will send confirmations. Select: "My Information", scroll down, and input your email address.






Do not put any spaces anywhere in the address.



Attached above are the simple step by step Registration directions.


Go to Pinellas School Homepage: http://www.pinellas.k12.fl.us

Select: Professional Development: http://www.pinellas.k12.fl.us/PALD

GO TO LMS: http://qa.syntrio.com/pinellas/login.asp <- Click HERE

Follow Step by Step Registration Directions attached above.


NEW - Districtwide Event and Training Calendar!

Find the Upcoming Training schedules on our Webpage!

GO TO: Pinellas Homepage: http://www.pinellas.k12.fl.us

Select Professional Development: http://www.pinellas.k12.fl.us/PALD

Select Event and Training Calendar: http://www.pinellas.k12.fl.us/PALD/calendar/calendar.htm


View your Registrations:

You may review your training schedule at any time by logging on and selecting "My Transcript" to see your current record.



Select the MY TRANSCRIPT (second yellow button on the LMS yellow bar menu.)



Step 1: Click on your Status (the blue word: enrolled, requested or wait listed) beside the training reservation.

Step 2: A drop down list will allow you to change your status to Canceled

Step 3: Click on the update at bottom to input the change of status.

Step 4: Confirm the change on the next screen.

The registration request is canceled, and drops to the bottom of the list.


NOTE: Cancellations may only be performed during the registration period. Once the registration closes, no action may be made in LMS. Please log on to the LMS, select the training and review the description. A contact person is listed, with a telephone number. PLEASE NOTIFY THE COORDINATOR OF YOUR CANCELATION, SO THEY WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO CONTACT A PERSON ON THE WAITING LIST OF THE VACANCY.


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