Third Grade Interactive Sites
Information from Third Grade
The Third grade teachers use Trackstars to create lessons to share with each other.
1. Native American Fables #303315
2. Japanese Folktales #305963
3. Working Dogs #301210
4. Medieval Times #282038
5. Looking for Answers #285086
6. Learning About Email #302856
This is a new interactive website called Spelling Time
This is a great web site. It does require you to register.
I went ahead and created an account if you want to look at it.
You will want to create your own account at some point.
perkinsthird and password is perkins3
Once you log in you can add a login for your students
you can add your own words or use their lessons, they have different lessons for different days.
Directions are repeated and there is lots of visual clues
the word is said in a sentence and they can either type on the screen or the keyboard
if it is incorrect they will give the correct spelling
There are several spelling games that will use your spelling list or their list
You also can print out the spelling lesson, progress reports
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